March 01, 2023
We are a couple of months away from drought conditions and wildfires impacting our country’s families. If we’re going to solve the water crisis and help our citizens in need during these events, we really need to understand how this spring’s rainwater creates this summer’s groundwater.
I’ve surveyed thousands of acres, and the majority of the groundwater under a landowner’s property, comes from rainfall that is channeled down to an aquifer under a neighboring property.
So, when a landowner is unhappy about the amount of their groundwater, they really only have two options: 1. Convince the neighbor to start channeling more rainwater in their direction or 2. Create their own aquifer recharge zone. Obviously, #1 is not going to happen so let’s focus on #2.
Imagine if more municipalities worked with commercial developers, landowners and even socially responsible companies to strategically place 1-acre percolation ponds across their communities in the right location from the start. Assuming there’s 24” of rainfall a year, more than 325,000 gallons of water could be channeled towards the aquifer every year – enough to support 5 houses. And that’s just with one pond!
Let’s talk wildfires. Imagine placing these aquifer recharge zones in areas that are prone to wildfires, so in the event of an emergency, water resources could be tapped upon demand.
Well Water Finders will be using our technology to identify entry points to aquifers. The system has the ability to collect the depth and activity levels of aquifers below the surface. It can also detect sub-terranean layers capable of holding water and it can see paths of downward percolation. Combining the latest geological technologies such as this, along with statewide water infrastructure enhancements, can ultimately lead to an increase in our nation’s groundwater supply. And if we wanted to get really creative – let’s pay landowners to use their acreage! Following the model used by solar and windfarm companies, landowners would receive a new source of income for what looks like a nice pond on their property.
Our technology will enable individual landowners to recharge areas under their land and municipalities to recharge entire regions.
Click here to learn more about our vision for enhancing the world’s water supply. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.July 08, 2024
Well Water Finders® is a proud portfolio member of Austin Technology Incubator and Capital Factory. Members: the Texas Groundwater Association and the Meridian, Texas Chamber of Commerce.
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