January 14, 2022
So why should you find well water before you drill a water well? Watch the video for a brief explanation or read the summary below!
One of the questions we get a lot from folks who have just bought a piece of rural land and want to build their dream home is, “Why should I find water under my property before I attempt to build a water well?” The quick answer is it’ll save you a lot of money. We’re in Texas and the average water well depth is about 600 feet and that costs about, on average, around $18,000 (that’s $30 a foot).
If your driller found water at 600 feet and you were expecting that, that’s great! But if they have to drill down to like 1,000 feet, you’re going to have to pay on average $30 a foot for those extra 400 feet. And, they may not find it there at all. They may have to attempt to drill a well at various locations around your property, and you’re paying for every single attempt.
But if you knew the location of water under your property and the depth, then you can budget for it. Let’s say you knew that it was 300 feet deep at a particular location. That’s great! But if you knew that you had to go down to 1,000 feet to find water on your property, and you had to do at a different location, that can help you budget and plan the architecture for where you build your house.
So, if you’re buying land and you want to build your dream home, this knowledge is very important. Hope this helps!
Well Water Finders® is a proud portfolio member of Austin Technology Incubator and Capital Factory. Members: the Texas Groundwater Association and the Meridian, Texas Chamber of Commerce.
© 2025 Well Water Finders.